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Hermione. Granger
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Lås om det redan finns en sån här tråd!
Halloo! (Jag är hemsk på att förklara mig, tyvärr men stå ut) Om man vet till exempel någon ''dold'' Harry Potter sak tänkte jag att det kanske skulle vara kul att skriva det här. T.ex. visste du att kramen Voldemort ger Draco i Dödsrelikerna stod inte med i manuset? Det är därför den inte står i boken. Grattis du stod ut med min förklaring. Hoppas ni förstår och fram med dom ''dolda'' Harry Potter nånting! :') ![]() ![]() 6 maj, 2013 21:49 |
Hermione jean
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Kramar han Draco!
Oculus reparo 7 maj, 2013 19:04 |
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7 maj, 2013 20:43 |
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I första boken går dem ju ner för en trappa jämte dödsväxterna när dem ska ner till De vises sten. Men i filmen sjunker dem igenom växterna ner under.
"The Moon Loved The Sun So Much He Died Everynight To Let Her Breath" 21 maj, 2013 17:32 |
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-The Hogwarts school motto is "Draco domiens nunquam titillandus" which is Latin for "Never tickle a sleeping dragon.
-"Avada Kevadra" derives from the Aramaic phrase "Abhadda kedhabhra", which means "to disappear like this world". -Dumbledore is an early modern english word for "Bumblebee". -JK Rowling and Harry Potter share the same birthday, July 31. -J.K. Rowling has stated that Lord Voldemort is pronounced without the "t" -Over the course of the Harry Potter movies, 6 actors have played Voldemort. -The death eaters were orginally known as the Knights of Walpurgis. -Rowling has said that when she took an online Sorting Hat quiz it sorted her into Hufflepuff. -The driver and the conductor of the knight bus, Ernie and Stanley, are named after Rowling´s grandfathers. -Vol De Mort means Flight of death in Frech. -Snape hates Neville so much because Neville could have been the other Chosen One, meaning Lily would have survived. -Voldemort cannot love because he was concivied under the effects of a love potion. 21 maj, 2013 19:12 |
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Skrivet av Borttagen: -The Hogwarts school motto is "Draco domiens nunquam titillandus" which is Latin for "Never tickle a sleeping dragon. -"Avada Kevadra" derives from the Aramaic phrase "Abhadda kedhabhra", which means "to disappear like this world". -Dumbledore is an early modern english word for "Bumblebee". -JK Rowling and Harry Potter share the same birthday, July 31. -J.K. Rowling has stated that Lord Voldemort is pronounced without the "t" -Over the course of the Harry Potter movies, 6 actors have played Voldemort. -The death eaters were orginally known as the Knights of Walpurgis. -Rowling has said that when she took an online Sorting Hat quiz it sorted her into Hufflepuff. -The driver and the conductor of the knight bus, Ernie and Stanley, are named after Rowling´s grandfathers. -Vol De Mort means Flight of death in Frech. -Snape hates Neville so much because Neville could have been the other Chosen One, meaning Lily would have survived. -Voldemort cannot love because he was concivied under the effects of a love potion. Tack, för infon! Det mesta visste jag ej! ![]() ![]() 21 maj, 2013 19:17 |
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Skrivet av Erica: Skrivet av Borttagen: -The Hogwarts school motto is "Draco domiens nunquam titillandus" which is Latin for "Never tickle a sleeping dragon. -"Avada Kevadra" derives from the Aramaic phrase "Abhadda kedhabhra", which means "to disappear like this world". -Dumbledore is an early modern english word for "Bumblebee". -JK Rowling and Harry Potter share the same birthday, July 31. -J.K. Rowling has stated that Lord Voldemort is pronounced without the "t" -Over the course of the Harry Potter movies, 6 actors have played Voldemort. -The death eaters were orginally known as the Knights of Walpurgis. -Rowling has said that when she took an online Sorting Hat quiz it sorted her into Hufflepuff. -The driver and the conductor of the knight bus, Ernie and Stanley, are named after Rowling´s grandfathers. -Vol De Mort means Flight of death in Frech. -Snape hates Neville so much because Neville could have been the other Chosen One, meaning Lily would have survived. -Voldemort cannot love because he was concivied under the effects of a love potion. Tack, för infon! Det mesta visste jag ej! Hehe kunde inte låta bli, och lägger lite mer information till, tack för kommentaren Erica ![]() -JK Rowling would often get asked how to pronouce Hermione´s name, so to clear up any confusion, she had Hermione teach Viktor Krum how to pronouce it in the Goblet of fire. -Minerva McGonagall played on the Gryffindor quidditch team while she atteneded Hogwarts. -Severus Snape is the only death eater who can produce a Patronus. -A Patronus often mutates to take the image of the love of one´s life because they so often become the "happy thought" that generates a Patronus. --Harry, Ron and Hermione were all put on Chocolate Frog cards. Both Ron and Dumbledore consider this their greatest achivements. -If a Muggle came across Hogwarts, it would appear to them as an old building with a sign reading "keep out: dangerous building." -Ron´s Patronus is a Jack Russel Terrier, which are known for chasing otters. Hermione´s Patronus happens to be a otter. -The characters J.K. Rowling created the very 1st day were Harry,Ron,nearly Headless Nick,Hagrid & peeves,then she developed Hogwarts. -The driver and conductor of the Knight Bus, Ernie and Stanley, are named after J. K. Rowling’s grandfathers. -The book version of Harry has green eyes, but the movie version has blue eyes cause Daniel Radcliffe who originally has blue eyes was unable to wear contact lenses(green), due to an allergic reaction. -Sirius Black (Harry’s godfather) is named after the brightest star in the night’s sky, which us also known as the Dog Star. Interestingly, Black was an Animagi and could turn himself into a big black dog. -"Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi" the inscription runs along the top of the Mirror of Erised. It means , "I show not your face but your hearts desire." (Read it backwards to see or read it in a mirror). -Jessie Cave beat over 7000 girls to win the role of Lavender Brown, Ron's "love-interest" from the book. -Stanislav Ianevski, who plays Viktor Krum, has only two lines in the entire film totaling 20 words. -In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 14 Ford Anglia Cars were destroyed to create the scene where Harry and Ron crash into the Whomping Willow. -A picture of Gandalf the Grey (from The Lord of the Rings) can be seen in the collection of great wizards in Professor Dumbledore’s study in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. -JK Rowling said she may have inadvertently taken the name of Harry´s school. "Hogwarts" from a Hogwort plant she saw in the Kew Gardens in New York. -Michael Jackson, who was a huge HP fan, proposed a musical version of the magical series to Rowling, She apparently thought the musical wouldn't be a success & didn't want to jeopardize the franchise. -Numbers are symbolic in the series, especially 2, 3, 4, and 7. For example, the trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione suggest the power of three and the spiritual trinity. Harry fatally wounds the basilisk on its third strike, and Hagrid knocks on the front door of Hogwarts three times. Students attend Hogwarts for seven years and there are seven players on each Quidditch. Sirius is also imprisoned on the seventh floor of Hogwarts. -So many fans visit king's cross station to take pictures of platforms 9 and 10 that the station management erected a sign a sign that says "platform 9 3/4". -From the very beginning, Rowling said Severus Snape was one of her favorite characters to write. In 1999, she told a classroom of young fans that Snape was one of her favorite characters behind Harry Potter, because "he's a deeply horrible person." She also expressed the difficulty in writing Snape's character because of the hints she had to drop throughout the entire series about his past and character. -In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Ian McKellen was offered the role of Dumbledore but declined. Having appeared as Gandalf in “The Lord of the Rings,” he said: “I had enough trouble living up to one legend. Two would be too much to hope for.” -Richard Harris only agreed to taking the part of Albus Dumbledore after his eleven year old granddaughter threatened never to speak to him again. Patrick McGoohan was originally offered the role but had turned it down due to health reasons. -Liam Aiken was originally given the role of Harry, but a day later the offer was revoked when it was discovered that he wasn't British. Om ni skulle vilja veta mer information om HP uggla mig bara!!! 30 maj, 2013 19:23 |
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Radcliffe används mellan 60 och 70 trollstavar under inspelningen av hela sagan. Varje stav som används av Wizards of "Hogwarts" skapades på plats och var lika någon annan, även de tvillingarnas "Weasley".
30 maj, 2013 23:12 |
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Skådespelarna till Fred och George har egentligen brunt hår.
30 maj, 2013 23:32 |
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I andra boken säger Harry så här till Dobby:
"Lova bara att aldrig försöka rädda mitt liv igen." Men det gör han ju, i sista boken! ![]() 31 maj, 2013 12:27 |
Du får inte svara på den här tråden.